In my opinion, with my admittedly limited's been my understanding that the main concern with diving while pregnant is not that it would harm the mother in some way...but that it is unknown what effect pressure has on a developing fetus. So, it would seem to me that it wouldn't matter if the mother was in the absolute best possible mental and physical shape ever...physics are physics. Training doesn't get around them, experience doesn't get around them. Diving while pregnant exposes the fetus to physical forces that may or may not effect how they's not about the mother or what kind of shape she's in.
I respect your and your wife's right to make your own decision Jaws14....but I have to agree that taking such a risk with a fetus for a "pleasure" activity seems to make no sense at all.
I respect your and your wife's right to make your own decision Jaws14....but I have to agree that taking such a risk with a fetus for a "pleasure" activity seems to make no sense at all.