The good news is dealing with a stuck inflator in doubles is pretty easy if your wing inflator is driven by your right post. Simply go head down, which raises your dump valve and gives you the ability to kick down if needed to maintain depth, then shut down your right post with your right hand while dumping air with your left hand. Once your right post is off, switch to your backup reg, manually inflate to neutral buoyancy, disconnect your LPI, then re-open your right post. It's really easy peasy.
And this formed the basis for how the skill used to be assessed in T1. At some point during the course, the instructor would, without warning, grab and hammer your power inflator to simulate a stuck inflator. You had to immediately recognize what it represented and run the protocol you laid out to shut down the right post. According to rjack's friend, that is no longer included in T1. It was part of the class I took 12+ years ago.