This is a topic, like others, that we all seem to go down a rabbit hole on. As divers we "train" every time we dive on disconnecting the inflator and shutting down our gas (rec or tech). We set up our gear, connect the inflator at the start and disconnect at the end. This should be a "skill" that needs no training for.
Second, I have found that most divers do not properly clean the inflator after every dive, and that leads to the problems. They may rinse it, but they fail to reconnect the inflator to a tank and blow it out, completely clearing all water/grit/grime from the part. Letting that little bit of moisture stay in the inflator is death to it, and often what leads to that "it failed and I always keep it clean" issue. Worse, many divers go years without overhauling their inflator.
And what does it take to clean the inflator? 5 min and a dab of silicon grease. Heck, I pull mine out a few times a year just to give it a good lube and visual on it, that takes seconds. Solve the problem at the dock.