Suggestion Posts by thread starter marked?

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16°21'27" N 86°26'00" W
Love the original poster name and original thread date!!!! Love it, love it, love it!!!

Agree with the other comments about shortening it up, looking good!

One related request. It would be nice in the user information in the left margin of each thread if you guys could mark the posts of the user who started the thread. Here's how it shows up on another (non-scuba related) board:


So if awap made a second or any subsequent post in this thread, it would say "Thread Starter" between his name and the tag "Scubaboard Guru", like this:

Thread Starter
ScubaBoard Guru

What do you think?


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Does that help?
The first time I saw it, I thought it looked pretty 'busy' but I'm sure I'll get used to it

Agree with the other comments about shortening it up, looking good!

I haven't read the other comments, but I intially thought DD/MM/YY would be neater. Then I realised it would probably be MM/DD/YY (ie american format), and that could be confusing for some of us

So if awap made a second or any subsequent post in this thread, it would say "Thread Starter" between his name and the tag "Scubaboard Guru"

I wouldn't find that useful - I don't read threads based on the number of posts the OP has. It would just add more clutter IMHO
agree with the other comments about shortening it up, looking good!
i haven't read the other comments, but i intially thought dd/mm/yy would be neater. Then i realised it would probably be mm/dd/yy (ie american format), and that could be confusing for some of us
The intention is to use only one date format for all forums. I have this thing about consistency...

so if awap made a second or any subsequent post in this thread, it would say "thread starter" between his name and the tag "scubaboard guru"
i wouldn't find that useful - i don't read threads based on the number of posts the op has. It would just add more clutter imho
We could add it but how widespread would it be supported?
The intention is to use only one date format for all forums. I have this thing about consistency...

I wouldn't advocate anything else - how about going with "Feb 18 '09" then
I haven't read the other comments...

Huh? There are seven posts in this thread. Including this one. ??? TLDR, for seven posts???

... but I intially thought DD/MM/YY would be neater. Then I realised it would probably be MM/DD/YY (ie american format), and that could be confusing for some of us
I prefer the ODBC canonical format (yyyy-mm-dd) which I have been using in my code for the better part of two decades. Most databases read this natively and certainly ODBC handles it at it is the default date format. Most importantly it eliminates the ambiguities between the US and rest of the world formats.

I wouldn't find that useful - I don't read threads based on the number of posts the OP has. It would just add more clutter IMHO
The reason to highlight the threadstarter in their subsequent posts is that it helps people circle back to the person that started the thread. Otherwise they refer to them anonymously, "OP", like you just did. :mooner:

It has nothing to do with how many posts they have. I don't know where you even got that? :confused:

I wouldn't advocate anything else - how about going with "Feb 18 '09" then
I learned to hate two digit years, starting about a decade ago or so. With the apostrophe it saves a grand total of one character.
:confused:Huh? There are seven posts in this thread. Including this one

Your first post refers to 'other comments'. Since it's the first post, I don't know what the other comments are

:The reason to highlight the threadstarter in their subsequent posts is that it helps people circle back to the person that started the thread. Otherwise they refer to them anonymously, "OP", like you just did. :mooner:

It has nothing to do with how many posts they have. I don't know where you even got that? :confused:

I was referring to the listing in 'new threads' not posts within threads; I hadn't/haven't noticed any difference in threads, only in the main list

:I learned to hate two digit years, starting about a decade ago or so. With the apostrophe it saves a grand total of one character.

I'll start worrying about that in another 90 years. Of course I'll be dead by then

Reducing the month to 3 characters (eg Feb rather rather than February) would save more than one character
Your first post refers to 'other comments'. Since it's the first post, I don't know what the other comments are
Fair enough, I think this maybe was split off from another thread? My bad...

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