To All Who had LASIK recently, PLEASE help!
I had my eyes done on Saturday (4 days ago), and although I measured 20/30 the day after, I am still experiencing "halos" around flourescent lighting and fine print at distance isn't yet clear for me. Things also become less clear to me as the day wears on..
The Dr. explained that different people heal at different rates, and the fact that 1) I am over 40, and 2) I had a very severe prescription (-5.50 on R and -5.00 on L eye) will determine how quickly I get "perfect" clarity.
My frustration is I have heard about people having LASIK and seeing "flawlessly" the very next day!
I know I am an impatient type (Type A) individual, and I do work almost continuously in flourescent lighting (went to work the next day) and also use the computer at work several hours a day..all things that probably don't help much!
On the positive side, I have NO symptoms, discomfort or other issues. But the "whites" of my eyes are still red/bloodshot and I have been applying ALL three types of drops religiously (anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory, and preservative-free tears)..
ANY personal experiences, advice, or feedback would be appreciated!
(Or, maybe I just need to "chill out" for a week and THEN re-evaluate!)
It's just frustrating when you are told the procedure went perfectly, but you are not "seeing" the results (yet)..
I had my eyes done on Saturday (4 days ago), and although I measured 20/30 the day after, I am still experiencing "halos" around flourescent lighting and fine print at distance isn't yet clear for me. Things also become less clear to me as the day wears on..
The Dr. explained that different people heal at different rates, and the fact that 1) I am over 40, and 2) I had a very severe prescription (-5.50 on R and -5.00 on L eye) will determine how quickly I get "perfect" clarity.
My frustration is I have heard about people having LASIK and seeing "flawlessly" the very next day!
I know I am an impatient type (Type A) individual, and I do work almost continuously in flourescent lighting (went to work the next day) and also use the computer at work several hours a day..all things that probably don't help much!
On the positive side, I have NO symptoms, discomfort or other issues. But the "whites" of my eyes are still red/bloodshot and I have been applying ALL three types of drops religiously (anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory, and preservative-free tears)..
ANY personal experiences, advice, or feedback would be appreciated!
(Or, maybe I just need to "chill out" for a week and THEN re-evaluate!)
It's just frustrating when you are told the procedure went perfectly, but you are not "seeing" the results (yet)..