Possum Kingdom?

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coon runne

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Abilene Tx
# of dives
My wife and I are wanting to start diving. We saw a website for classes at Possom Kingdom. Has anyone dove there, or know the instructors? Or have any other Ideas? Anything would greatly be appreciated.
If you'll give us the name of the shop, I'll bet somebody here will be glad to help you out. There are lots of shops in the DFW area, several of whom use PK for checkout dives, so we would need to have it narrowed down a bit. Once you supply the name, you'll get several opinions. We're a pretty opinionated lot around here :D

Oh, and welcome to Scubaboard!!
I don't know the instructors but it's a typical Texas lake. It's going to be cold this time of year, especially at 40' under the first thermocline. The viz will probably be 3 - 8' depending on rain and other factors. Lots of fish unless an algae bloom killed them all off - bring hot dogs.
Firefyter is right Coon Runne ...
I'm not sure how 'Coons and 'Possums are gonna work together :rofl3:

Have a great time at PK !! I hear it's a great place to dive. I learned to water ski there but never have dived the lake. I bet I do pretty soon though inspite of all the small animal conflict. :wink:

will give you the inside line on deep / cave dives and as you can tell he is a Ichthyo-Gastronomic as well.
His fish may differ but my fish always go with the Oscar Mayer Dogs. :)
I don't know of the indv. instructors the shop at the PK Scuba Park uses,,,but the scuba park is nice and so are the current owners,,,,I have dove there on several occassions and have good experc. on all visits. If you live out in west FTW or Parker county it sure would be the spot to visit and talk with the owners regarding their instruction.
The Scuba park at PK is a good place to "get your feet wet" in the lake. There are several platforms and ledges at various depths (even a sunken dumptruck). Piers and ladders make access easy, and there are good walls (but watch for the trees--they tend to "grab" you). The dive shop is reasonably well stocked, and the folks there are friendly and accommodating. I've never taken a class there, but some folks I've talked to enjoyed the experience.
That said, there are lots of opportunities for diving other parts of the lake. My friends and I like to boat closer to the dam for better visibility and more open areas. We particularly like the walls toward Governor's Cove, a little inlet about a quarter mile from the dam exclusion zone (roped off with markers). There are also some great walls along lake marker 12 or so. Diving inside Hell's Gate can be good, although the shallows will have a solid floor of aluminum and bottles, but you might pick up some trinkets, sunglasses and the occassional bikini top that have been dropped by boaters. We like to dive the walls there and some of the gradual slopes.

We make it a point to have at least one boating excursion every summer at PK and other quick day trips to Scuba Point, the park. Come along with us. The invitation's open!
Hope this helps. Welcome to SB and diving.
Go to abilene to Underwater Connection. they can take you to Balmorhea to a warm spring where water is always 75. Really enjoyed the class.
Go to abilene to Underwater Connection. they can take you to Balmorhea to a warm spring where water is always 75. Really enjoyed the class.
PK is a lot closer to Abilene, but Balmorhea would be a lot more pleasant experience for the newbie & OW dives. Even prior to the OW dives, doing the classroom & pool work in your home town would be a plus, and starting a mutually rewarding relationship with your local dive shop, aka Lds, would certainly be preferable. You're not going to want to run back to PK for help prior to a dive trip, nor will the PK shop offer group trips that I know of.

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