Possible to do classroom/confined-water instruction in New Delhi?

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Cthulhu Hunter
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
New Jersey
# of dives
100 - 199
My family is planning to go diving, and one of us is not certified. I was hoping to find a place here in New Delhi where she could do the first two days of a PADI Open Water course, so she only has to do the open water dives when we get to the dive site. Does anyone know of a PADI (or, barring that, other) Dive Instructor in Delhi that offers that?
Contact Archana Sardana. She's a PADI Master Scuba Diving Trainer. She'll be able to give you the best advice.
PADI Retail & Resort Associations Dive Centre - Archana Sardana Scuba Diving Academy S-23675

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