Possible routine emergency

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IL/IA (about as far from salt water as you can get
I hate to do this, since I ain't from around here and all, but... We were scheduled to be in the Keys on Saturday, but it looks like Ivan might have other plans for us--maybe. We change planes in Atlanta, so I'm wondering where would be the best/closest place from Atlanta to do some diving. My wife is OW, and she likes warm, shallow, easy diving. Where would be a good hotel or resort to stay? If anyone comes to Illinois for diving, perhaps because you lost a bet or your boss doesn't like you or something, I'd be happy to return the favor. Thanks!
Panama City, Florida would be your best bet. It's about a 6 hour drive south by south west from Atlanta. Several different charter operations down there with numerous wreck/artificial reef dive sites up to about 110'.
Il is not THAT bad of a place to dive. LOL I like Mermet Springs.

If the storm slows down, its only a short hop to Panama City Beach. Great diving there. Check with Hydrospace or Panama City Scuba to see what conditions are likely to be, they are both great dive operations.

I use either one when I get down there, usually 2-3 times a year. I was there 2 weeks ago and had visability equal to that in the Keys. (I admit, that is highly unusuall) Usually the vis is about 30-40' with little current if you do inshore dives (2-4 miles) We were lucky and had vis over over 100' on 5 of the 7 dives.
You being from the land of ice & snow & all, what does your wife consider "warm?" The North Florida springs (Vortex, for example) are 68F.
For this weekend Panama City/Destin/FWB/Pensacola/Gulf Shores should still be ok - Ivan shouldn't screw them up before Monday - and the water's about 85 on the surface, 80 at 100'.
Rick Murchison:
You being from the land of ice & snow & all, what does your wife consider "warm?" The North Florida springs (Vortex, for example) are 68F.
For this weekend Panama City/Destin/FWB/Pensacola/Gulf Shores should still be ok - Ivan shouldn't screw them up before Monday - and the water's about 85 on the surface, 80 at 100'.

Thanks for all the replies. Florida Springs would not qualify! We're talking 80F plus. She usually has the pool at about 88F. I'll check into Panama City.
Thanks for all the replies. Florida Springs would not qualify! We're talking 80F plus. She usually has the pool at about 88F. I'll check into Panama City.

I'm sorry to say that there will probably be no diving due to Ivan for the next week or so in PC or any of the Panhandle.

Everything is closing/boarding up!
I would think you are safe at the Keys at this point :wink: just keep an eye on Jeanne, should be an official swirly by the end of today.

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