I was just wondering why it is that almost every time I see a picture of a tech diver they are using Jetstream/Odins? I personally use a new Zeagle Flathead VI that I just bought after selling my ScubaPro Mk20/ G250's and I absolutely love it and can't imagine a reg that could breathe better, and I also have never heard anyone speak of the Poseidons during my short time as a Scuba Board member. What is the deal with the Poseidon regs, why do they, or did they have such a huge following in the tech dive community? We have one local guy who dives with a Jetstream/Odin, an when I ask him why he used it over other regs he simply stated that, " When I am just doing shallow rec dives I use Scuba Pro regs, but when you see me heading out with my Poseidons, I am going to do a deep dive, and at depth they have no equal, but in shallow water I don't like them." Does anyone know why he might make these claims?
Just curious?????????
Just curious?????????