Portland and Seattle area Jan. 8-12 but no diving.

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Ber Rabbit

Floppy Ear Mod
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Hi Everyone!

Hubby and I are flying into Portland on Saturday and driving to Seattle then back to Portland. This is just a quick vacation for us and we decided not to bring the dive gear this time around. What are some fun things to do and interesting things to see that can be accessed this time of year? He rented a car instead of a 4WD so forest service roads are not an option (was looking forward to the Ice Cave but it's not happening). He wants to show me the Pike Street Market for sure and we will probably take the road down the coast on the way back to Portland so we can see Haystack Rock and visit Agate Beach (I'm a dedicated rock hound).

What are a few of your favorite things about these areas? What is on your "do not miss this" list? Anyone know any good rock hounding places that are accessible by car? I don't mind hiking, even in the rain if there are good rocks to be had. I can get sedimentary rocks and fossils by the score here at home I want igneous and metamorphic mostly.

Thanks for your help!
Ber :lilbunny:
Hey Rabbit,

Definately do Pike Place. Its also fun to walk along the waterfront down there. The Seattle Art Museum is nearby too. Not sure what they are showing currently, but it is always good. Seattle Center has the Space Needle, Experience Music Project (music related museum, very cool if your into that), Pacific Science Center and IMAX (more for kids).
As for the rocks... I am not a rock head, but my suggestion would be up toward Mt. Rainier or Mt. St. Helens. Both would probably have some snow at the visitors areas this time of year, but we haven't had a ton of snow in the mountains yet. St. Helens is still relatively active too so you might find some igneous type rocks there.
The forcast has a chance of snow in the lowlands over the weekend so bring your warm coat and long undies! Have a great trip!
Pike Place for sure. If you do the coast thing for WA then go out to Forks WA and then go to Rialto Beach or spend a night on the coast nearby in the hotel in the reservation nearby. It's right on the beach and pretty amazing!!!!!! Don't bother with Long Beach as it's pretty tacky.

One of the most beautiful places in the region though is Hood River. It's an hour due east of Portland going up the Columbia River gorge. If the weather is clear then you get a spectacular view of both Mt Hood and Mt Adams. Both are inactive volcanoes. The Gorge itself is spectacular and the town of Hood River is very nice.
Here is a web cam for the area.

I don't feel so bad that Pug and I won't be around since you aren't coming to dive. We are out of here for Port Hardy diving on the 9th. It would have been nice to meet up though. BTW - we are expecting snow on the 7th, so don't leave the winter coat at home.

Hope you enjoy and have a safe trip.
I would stop on the way up to Seattle from Portland and hit the Mount St. Helens visotor's center. They put on a great show from what I understand, and you can see steam escaping from the mountain (if it's clear enough to see the mountain).

I agree with OE2X about Hood River. When heading east from Portland on I-84 ... on about Troutdale (Exit 16 I think ... I'm doing this from long-term memory) ... you'll see a sign saying "Scenic Route" ... take it! It'll take you up along a ridge overlooking the highway and Columbia River. At one point you'll come to an overlook with a circular lookout. Stop and take your camera ... the views are incredible! A few minutes after leaving this spot you'll start coming to a series of waterfalls ... Laurelin (or something like that), Bridal Falls, Multanomah, and Horsetail ... each of which has a trail that, if followed will take you to the top of the falls. Some are better than others, if you're up for the hike. But if there's snow or frost, be careful as the trails are steep in places. Once back on the highway, Hood River is about another 15 or so miles east.

From Hood River, follow the road that goes south toward Mt. Hood. A short ways out of town there'll be a turnoff on your left for Panorama Point. Another great photo spot, if you like views of 11,000 foot volcanos. You can see both Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams from this spot quite nicely.

Hood River has some lovely B&B's ... and can be a very romantic place to spend an evening with your S.O. My ex and I used to go there every year for the Easter week-end. Been a while ... so I hope my memory is accurate.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Keep a close eye on the weather. Forcast is looking like snow in higher elevations and a mix around Portland. Columbia River Gorge (I84) could be a real mess. That is where the really cold air comes from. River City Bluegrass Festival in Portland Saturday and Sunday at the Convention Center.
gotta second that scenic route off of I-84. Hwy 30 is an incredible drive with awesome views. don't miss it.
Thanks for the info! Not sure exactly where we'll end up but this gives us some more options depending on what the weather is like :) Sounds like a gorgeous place to visit even though the weather probably isn't going to cooperate. All we have are plane tickets and a rental car so we can easily adjust our plans, hopefully we don't end up sleeping in the car :biggrin:

0E2X I know you guys are actually leaving because you're afraid I'll bring the pink rabbit hat :wink: Don't believe any stories you hear about that, well, at least until you've experienced it for yourself LOL!

Wish we were coming out to dive but that just won't happen this trip. Maybe next time around we can have a chance to meet some of you.
Ber :lilbunny:

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