I'm curious if you have received your new pony AL19 tank and mounting kit yet? Have you dove with it? How do you like that size pony attached to your tank on your back? I'm in the same market and wondering what your first impressions are along with your pros and cons if you have had the chance to dive it yet?
I picked up the pony yesterday and headed out to the lake this morning.
I bought a Luxfer 19cu pony and x-bracket, pony bottle bracket from,
The x-bracket is permanently mounted to the pony and is threaded through the bcd strap. It took me a while to figure out how to put the bc on my 80cu tank with the pony already attached. I have the pony on my right side just behind my bc.
Here's my inital impressions.
Dive 1 - I started with equal weight on both sides. I had the top of the pony about an inch lower than my other tank. I dropped to 20' on a platform. I really felt like I was heavy to one side. I moved 3 pounds of weight to my left side. This felt a little better, but my trim is definately going to need some work. I tried hanging out over the platform and kept ending up in a head down, feet up position. I made some adjustments to my bc and swam around for about hald an hour. The pony definately needs to be moved down.
Dive 2 - I moved the pony down about 1 1/2". I'm still a little head heavy. I found that I can maintenance neutral buoyancy comfortably on either my left or right side. Interesting feeling. I spent about an hour at 40' swimming around trying to get comfortable with this. At the end of the dive it wasn't quite as awkward.
Not bad for the first time out. It's going to take a lot of dives before this starts feeling natural, but I think this was a good decision.
On Sunday I'm taking the SDI Solo course, so I'll take the pony out and see if the instructor has any suggestions on fixing my trim. I'm not sure if I still have the pony too high up or if this is just going to take time to get use to.