POLL: Who is homebrewing Nitrox/Trimix and for how long now?

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Define homebrew please.I use my buddies garage fill station.Are you talking about not having a cert from an agency or lying to get gas?Here in Fla He is readily available .Usually tho by the time you start using mix you have enough certs to be legal.
Is this who I think it is? Welcome to the board!

I'm doing Nitrox with my LDS blowing air (with their knowledge) on top. I've got two T bottles of O2 with a PSItronix digital gauge (http://www.psi-tronix.com/) for metering.

Been doing it for about two years now.

I would describe homebrewing as using an O2 whip connected to a T size bottle filling an 02 cleaned cylinder to a predetermined pressure and then having a LDS top off with air.

The relationships have been established with LDS and Gas supplier, so no untruths are needed at this time, unless you count the stories told to my wife to justify taking her side of the garage for gear, banked gasses, etc.

Oh, and yes, Roakey...finally made it to this board. What model number is your PSI guage?

Limited partial pressure blending (just my 50%)
Been doing continuous blending of Tmix and Eanx for 1 1/2 years. Gas supplier knows (kind of, they have limited knowledge of this stuff) and I have my own compressor which is good because the LDS is clueless about Tmix. (Hadn't even heard of IANTD when showed a card from them to use their pool!)

Just filled a 4500 psi storage bottle (~450 cuft) Monday with 30/30 from empty in just under 2 hours. And will do another later this week.

Doesn't everybody beyond full cave or Adv. Eanx? Especially He!

Unless you live close to Cave Excursions, that is!
"no untruths are needed at this time"

What about claiming to be in Columbus when you're in the Westerville tax district?


Originally posted by C_C
What model number is your PSI guage?
PG-5000-3500-G-0100-0 which is a 3500 PSI model with no auto shutoff and an adjustment button (so you don't have to find a jeweler’s screwdriver to zero it).

Of course, they don't appear to offer these particular options anymore. The PG-5000-5000-G-0 would work just fine, but I'd see if they could disable the auto-off feature. Scubaturek hates it when his turns off in the middle of a fill!

Originally posted by Walter
"no untruths are needed at this time"

What about claiming to be in Columbus when you're in the Westerville tax district?



:p Im Gegenteil mein Freund. Ich lebe im Westerville Schule Bezirk. Ich zahle Columbus Steuern. Kein Bedürfnis für unehrliche Darstellung.

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