I only have one drysuit; my first; built by Ursuit for Deep6. I opted for the socks, because I knew I would be travelling; using the suit in wildly varying conditions. Besides all the other reasons already listed, I'm glad I have the socks because I have needed to turn the drysuit inside out to get it completely dry on most of my dives....not because it leaks, but because I'm sweating enough at some point in the dives or the surface interval to get it damp....especially deep down in the legs and feet. I did use two weeks ago in the Pacific North West at Keystone Jetty; the socks inside oversize wetsuit booties with a reasonably hard sole worked well for tramping down and back on the rocks for the shore entry and exit. The drysuit didn't leak at all in the November Whidbey Island water temps, but it was still damp enough in the legs and inside the wetsuit socks that I was glad I could completely turn it inside out to dry.