Pretty nice day on the water today, a little gusty from the West, but, it was hard to complain.
My 2 buddies, me, and a fourth diver had the CAD big boat all to ourselves. We heading to the Poling first. Vis was average for the wreck (about 20'), water temp was around 45degs at depth. We did some pententration and then headed down to the broken end which was filled with a huge school of pollock. It was high tide so we hit 99' for 30minutes, we did our stops and then headed to Paddock Rock. Vis was around 15' and we logged another 30minutes of bottom time exploring the area off the left once you enter the trench. Max depth was 83'. What a cool spot that rock is, tons of inverts (sponges, tunicates, anenomes, and soft corals) on the wall.
A great day on the water really made time off from work to go up on weekday worth it.
My 2 buddies, me, and a fourth diver had the CAD big boat all to ourselves. We heading to the Poling first. Vis was average for the wreck (about 20'), water temp was around 45degs at depth. We did some pententration and then headed down to the broken end which was filled with a huge school of pollock. It was high tide so we hit 99' for 30minutes, we did our stops and then headed to Paddock Rock. Vis was around 15' and we logged another 30minutes of bottom time exploring the area off the left once you enter the trench. Max depth was 83'. What a cool spot that rock is, tons of inverts (sponges, tunicates, anenomes, and soft corals) on the wall.
A great day on the water really made time off from work to go up on weekday worth it.