Polar bear party @Twin lakes ????

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On o2 @ 20ft
Hi all with the New year almost upon us, was wondeing if there is some sort of Polar bear event planned at TL . I went to the one @ CSSP near Dallas last year and it was fun and all, however getting there from Houston was a marathon. I would like to keep it a little closer this year to Houston.

Thanks in advance
a polar bear meeting, so we dubbed it the TSDT Houston "chiller Dillers" meeting last year. low 50s and heavy winds made the 52 water a bit chilly getting out of. Don't know with working in LakeCharles if I'll get to make it this year, but who knows! I bet the Beast and Dee will be there again!


ps, and yes, it's gets just about the same as Lake Travis, done both in the winter.

ps,ps... here's the link to the first one http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19220&highlight=new+years+and+twin+lakes
TPH, Dee, Da' Beast, Scubapup, Jodi and Future Diver were the brave souls that showed, as I remember....
It's always a good excuse for a bonfire and cookout! My winter time job is keeping the fire stoked and chocolate hot! Maybe we can get Chris to bring more Chai tea this year.
so a 5 minute dive needed to officially log? think this will be once when i TRY to be the last one in the water...
Sounds like it could be fun. I'll probably bring my dry suit.
Well, the coffeehouse is out of business, but I may still be able to get my hands on a bag of Chai tea mix. Melissa will be moving around the new year, so it's up in the air as to whether we'll be moving her things that day.
You closed the coffee house? I can't imagine why! :eek:ut:

I'd still like you to come meet us at the lake sometime...and bring Melissa with ya!
Well, I'd love to make it out there as well - I'm supposed to be starting a new job the first week of January (alas my time as a dive shop manager/tech is coming to an end) that will be a good old 9-5 M-F job with a paycheck that someone else has to worry about scraping up the money for, so I will finally have weekends off again so that I can make it out to TL like I used to be able to. We're getting a better idea of when we will be moving Melissa, and she wants it done by Dec 31st, so we will both be in town (according to our plans) for the 1st of the year.

Keeping my fingers crossed that we can make it!

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