Polar Bear Dive 1-1-03

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North Texas
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500 - 999
The polar bear dive at CSSP on the first went well. There was about 50 people or so and all had fun.

Mike was running on Mike time as ususal and picked me up a little late. We got there, got geared up and got wet. We were both diving dry. I discovered I was badly over weight as I forgot to count my 4lb STA as part of my wieght, and was a little short in chest thermal protection.

I also had my second Mosuqito fail. I hit the surface after my first dive and it was still reading 21 feet. It has already been replaced and I'll dive my third soon. At least they have a 3 year warranty on them.

I have learned to really like the wrist dump on my Whites. I just need to learn to manage my air spaces better. I also discovered I am not quite as cold when I put a little air in the suit.

Yes, I am a novice dry diver. I'm learning quickly

After about 30 minutes in 52*F water we decided that was enough for the first dive. The wind had picked up and as blowing pretty hard. The air temp was in the mid 50's, but it was a littel chilly with the wind chill and a wet head.

The vis was about 5ft due in part to recent rain storms earlier in the week.

CavernQT showed to be social, but didn't dive.

I'm going to keep practicing the dry suit. I'm having fun with it.

Wish I woulda known you were there, I woulda come and said hello. TxDeepDiver, myself and another buddy drove up from Beaumont to participate in the Polar Bear Dive.

We met up with Poseidon there and he dove with us.

My (less than scientific) count of participants was closer to 80. I saw 2 1/2 pages on the sign in sheet and about 32 lines per page. Don't know how many actually made dives tho.

We logged about a 47 minute dive at a max depth of 51' (TxDeepDiver). The rest of us maxed out at about 48'. My dive computer showed a 45 degree water temp. Brrrrrrr!

We didnt stick around long since we had been driving since 2 a.m to get there and had another 5 1/2 hours ahead of us to get back.

It was a pretty cool experience tho, and I look forward to going again sometime.
Well, out of the four of us in our little group, I was the only one was diving wet.

When Cave Diver and the rest jump in and said a few unmentionable phrases, I was kinda thinkin' who needs a dry suit, I do!

Went down to depth and saw 54 or 58 degrees on my computer, not really sure since my mind was thinkin' what kind of idot are you anyway.

Kept on playing around thinkin' well low 50's isnt too bad. Then I looked at my computer again and it was saying mid 40's :eek:
I still had feeling in my toes, fingers, and other appendages, so I stayed down for almost an hour.

Not too bad but I think I found a new personal limit to my cold water wetsuit diving. At least until I go up to Montana...
TwoBitTxn once bubbled...
Mike was running on Mike time as ususal and picked me up a little late.

I always thought MST stood for Mountain Standard Time. Do you mean it really stands for Mike Standard Time??

Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. Maybe I'll do it next year.

Hey TXDeepDiver, what wetsuit are you using?? I dove dry, and I don't like it, so I need to find a good wetsuit that'll keep me nice and toasty. :cold:
He was diving a two piece Mares suit. I forget which one, but I will tell him to check the board and post.

I have a Dacor Tek 175 semi dry suit that I normally use for colder water. I didn't care much for my drysuit experience either, and will probably just stick to it.

My LDS had bought several of these at a good price and still have a couple left. Depending on what size you wear, I might be able to get you one at a good price.

If you are interested, let me know.
John Horton and I drove up from houston. I won the the longest drive award and John won the longest dive award 110 minutes @ 51 degrees. He pulled it off with a drysuit and argon. We ran scooters and covered the whole lake. Vis was horrible do to the rain. I think they should have a Polar bear dive @ TL......I attached a pic of the Boys from Houston at the polar bear award ceremony .
until I can reconfigure my <60 degree wetsuit (i.e. buy something a little warmer).

This last time out was a real corn flake.

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