Suggestion PM Box Quota

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Just one suggestion...

Do you have any plan to expand PM box quota like 500 messages intead of 300 messages?:lotsalove:
Actually, you can do better than that:
Supporting Member Program (Go Red) FAQ:
  • Your PM box will grow considerably in size, to 1000 messages maximum (all folders combined), and you'll have the ability to PM upto 20 members at once. You will also be able to use PM message receipts and tracking.
That's *double* your suggestion, plus extra perks, *and* you get all the other stuff (like the option to turn off all ads) to boot! :D
Not only do you not see ads, the grey bar disappears as well... :)
Your PM box will grow considerably in size, to 1000 messages maximum (all folders combined), and you'll have the ability to PM upto 20 members at once. You will also be able to use PM message receipts and tracking.

what's PM tracking? like did they open the PM or just delete it, or does it track it if they forward it to someone else for example?
I believe it's just a read receipt (and I see nothing to dispute that).
I believe it's just a read receipt (and I see nothing to dispute that).

What if you don't renew your membership once you get 1000 messages quota?
The system will prohibit you from sending and receiving PMs because you've exceeded the limit.

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