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I'm a Fish!
How does one go about getting on the Swamp Divers Team? I am an instructor in Tyler and would like to introduce you all to some east Texas divers. Does this involve holding a water moccasin and singing the "Yellow Rose of Texas? If so, I'm in! :D
Well, singing to the snake is just to get you warmed up.

Sit down and hold on, you'll be surprised what the folks around here will come up with for initiation criteria.
The official answer to that question is make a dive with us. Since you would be joining the North Texas section come hook up with us at Athens some time probably next Spring. I doubt I'll be doing any more diving unless I manage a dry suit class in the winter.

Then again I do like the idea of singing The Yellow Rose of Texas while holding a Water Moccasin, but you gotta drink a Lone Star while yer at it.


PS.. Welcome to the gang.
...about kissing the alligator! Oh, never mind....that's a requirement for the Southern Swamp Divers! :wink:
Dee once bubbled...
...about kissing the alligator! Oh, never mind....that's a requirement for the Southern Swamp Divers! :wink:
I had to do the water moccasin and the alligator thing, plus ride a 200 pound snapping turtle. All of it underwater with only a SpareAir made out of an empty beer can. Did I get rooked? :D

Welcome freediver, hope to see you at the water!
sealskin98 once bubbled...
Did I get rooked? :D

Hey Mike....Wanna go Snipe hunting? :eek:ut:
Dee once bubbled...

Hey Mike....Wanna go Snipe hunting? :eek:ut:
Sure thing Dee, but only if we can go cow-tipping first!:wink:
I think part of the initiation process should be being nipped at by the Piranha Perch in CSSP. :wink:

BTW, Mike -- in addition to the water moccasin, you forgot to mention the anaconda we saw...LOL
just went on by. That sucker was huge! Musta been about 15 feet long, but was hard to tell with him swimming in the "S" shape.

¡Muy Grande Culebra!
It's a date!

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