Please help me win a gig

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John A Lewis

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
# of dives
500 - 999
I am attempting to land a two-week gig as a video blogger for Sebastien Marat's Freediving World Record attempt. Part of getting that position is by obtaining as many votes as possible on the sponsor's web site where my voting page is hosted.

There is no information required to vote, just to do so at the link to my voting page at

John Lewis applied as Video Blogger | MAURICE LACROIX

I would very much like to ask the rest of the dive community for their support, but was hesitant to just post this until I cleared it with the Board Mods first.

20 May is the deadline for voting If you could spread the word to others, I would appreciate it.

Thank you,

John Lewis
I am attempting to land a two-week gig as a video blogger for Sebastien Marat's Freediving World Record attempt. Part of getting that position is by obtaining as many votes as possible on the sponsor's web site where my voting page is hosted.

There is no information required to vote, just to do so at the link to my voting page at

John Lewis applied as Video Blogger | MAURICE LACROIX

I would very much like to ask the rest of the dive community for their support, but was hesitant to just post this until I cleared it with the Board Mods first.

20 May is the deadline for voting If you could spread the word to others, I would appreciate it.

Thank you,

John Lewis

Down to the final three days of voting--for all who have helped out, I thank you.

Please encourage others if you will--I really want this opportunity, and appreciate all the help so far.
Voting has ended--I'm number seven, placing me in the top ten and the pool from which the the position will be filled. The final winner will be chosen on May 23.

Thanks all for your support.

---------- Post added May 21st, 2012 at 07:18 PM ----------

Things are getting interesting now; around 4AM local time an email came with the release and Q&A paperwork for The French Job as part of the final selection process for the video blogger position.

That paperwork has now been filed with the judges via email, and now I wait for either a follow-up phone call for additional information, or their final decision as to choice between the ten finalists for video blogger Wednesday.

Stay tuned!
Final decision has been rendered; they went with someone else.

Thanks everyone for your support, I really appreciated it.

Be sure to watch for coverage of the run-up to the attempt and cheer on Seb the Sub starting 2 June 2012.

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