pleasant on thur 4/19

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Reaction score
Salt Lake City
# of dives
25 - 49
is anyone going to be up at the lake? i was thinking about being there about 10:30. just don't feel good about going solo quite yet.
Bah, I'll be in LA tomorrow. Friday I might could swing it.
I'll be up on Friday am, hopefully at the lake by 10.30 or 11 and could be kitted up for the water shortly after. I know you said Thursday, but just letting you know Friday's a distinct possibility too :)
I'll be up on Friday am, hopefully at the lake by 10.30 or 11 and could be kitted up for the water shortly after. I know you said Thursday, but just letting you know Friday's a distinct possibility too :)

I thought we were meeting at the lake friday to booby trap the port-o-john for Rob- whats this talk of diving? :eyebrow:
gotta work friday. be up at the lake saturday night for the night dives though. kind of want to tomorrow though too
And for all he knows, we could be referring to a different Rob altogether. He shouldn't get off thinking he has a monopoly on that name.

I didn't tell Shark.byte the evil plan because I was afraid of that Loose Lips Sinks Ships thing. Now I can obviously see I should have widened the borders to include Booth as well :) Oh well, fool me once, shame on...shame on you... Ya fool me you can't get fooled again.

(Watch the clip if you don't get the reference.)
don't worry, Rob's busy dreaming about treats from my uncles bakery- which if we all drain our tanks I'll have time to run to and bring back goodies for the group! bribery always works... now if only there was something to add to his treats to insure he'd need a stop at the port-o-john...

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