Playa Del Carmen Trip Report

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Reaction score
Fayetteville, AR
# of dives
200 - 499
Just returned on 6/4 from 8 days in Playa Del Carmen. The last two years, we've gone to Cozumel, so I wasn't expecting much (compared with Coz). To my suprise, however, I really enjoyed the diving there.

We stayed at the Iberostar Tucan which is about a $5 cab ride to downtown Playa. Most of the larger resorts are south of town, but cabs are plentiful and generally clean and safe. I researched a number of dive opts prior to leaving and chose to dive with Abyss based on a fair number of recommendations. I contacted them on the web and gave them my schedule (wanted to dive at least two Ceynotes and a few ocean dives as well). Unfortunately, by the time we arrived at the Iberostar, I was shot. Customs, two kids, 6:15 a.m. flight, a couple of cervesa's, you name it. I knew better, but I was lazy. I walked over to Dressel Divers which is the dive operation at all Iberostar locations and booked my trip at a significant premium to what Abyss charges as I didn't want the cab hassel. I know, I'm an idiot, as I've bad mouthed Dressel Divers in Cozumel on a number of occasions on this site. Something fishy with Dressel is they make you prepay for your dives. More about that later. Anyway, on to the diving:

Day 1

Arrived promptly at 8:45 a.m. as instructed to dive the Mama Vina (80 ft. wreck)with Dressel Divers. Dressel posts their dive sites on a large board and the girl who booked my dives agreed that the group visits the Mama Vina every Saturday. I was greeted by my dive master in this manner, "You are late!" Nice to meet you too, I was told to be here at 8:45 and it's 8:45 now. "You should have been here at 8:30." I wrote this one off as a miscommunication, relax, you're on vacation here. "Today, we'll be diving Tortuga." Now I'm red hot as we were supposed to dive the wreck. There were two other divers who had just completed the resort course diving and the DM said that they weren't ready for the Mama Vina yet. The girl who booked my dives stated that their would be no new divers with me...great start to a vacation. I said screw it I'm not diving with you idiots, however my wife happened to walk by and told me to relax.
Anyway, I dove Tortuga. Dressel does not load your BC onto your tanks, but I was okay with that as I want to make sure it suits my standards. The dive started with me waiting @ 23 feet for 14 minutes while the DM attempted to help one of the other divers equalize. When the dive finally began, it was nice. Water temp. 82 degrees lots of turtles (approx. 10) and they weren't shy about coming up to you either. Coral was smaller than Cozumel but the fish were significantly more plentiful. Viz was 80 - 90 feet and the drift was approximately 2 knots. Only dove to 52 feet but it felt great to be in warm water again. The two newbies sucked air like elephants so the DM asked me to surface with 1400 lbs. left in my tank. The girl who had difficulty equalizing popped to the surface with no safety stop. She was okay but forgot to deflate her BC while surfacing. After we got on the boat, I asked where the 2nd dive was going to be. "We only do one tank dives." I was angry with myself for being so stupid. When I returned to the Iberostar, I asked for my money back for the balance of the dives and really had a hard time getting it back. They wanted to give me a credit towards diving next year...well, I knew better. Lesson learned, I will never dive with Dressel again. Two trips, two bad trips...that's a trend.

Day 2

Called Jason @ Abyss and told him I wanted to dive. As luck had it, they had a trip on Sunday going to two Ceynotes (Chikin Ha and Taj Mahal). Arrived at 8:30 at Abyss and what a difference, very professional, laid back, pay at the end of your trip...the complete opposite of Dressel. The Ceynotes take about 6.5 hours to dive as their is significant travel time to each (about 45 minutes apart). The first dive was Chikin Ha. I've never dove a Ceynote before so I was a tad nervous. Our DM was Diego and he really did an outstanding job of prepping and giving us the history of the Ceynotes. Our dive lasted approximately 45 minutes with a max depth of 37 feet. Visibility was unlimited. Their were lots of light passages with several passages in which to pop up and enjoy the scenery. We needed lights on the trip but you could almost always see light if you had to surface. Water temp. was 72 degrees which felt good. I wore a 3 mill shorty with a 6 mill hood. A couple of the other divers wore 3 mill full suits with no hoods and were a little chilly. After Chikin Ha, we visited Taj Mahal. 48 minute bottom time, 73 degree water. Max depth 44 feet. Taj Mahal was very different than Chikin Ha in that it had more stalagtites and stalagmites. Amazing viz with what appeared to be more narrow passages. Awesome experience, I felt like I was on the moon.

Day 3

I hung out with the family and visited Hel Ha, which was fun and expensive. If you choose to go, arrive early. Park opens at 9:00 and was virtually empty. Got crowded later.

Day 4

Met at Abyss at 8:30 and dove Islote with a guy from TX and a girl from DC. Mitch was our DM. He did a teriffic job (on both days). 38 minute dive to 79 feet. Tons of fish, however the coral was signifantly smaller but appeared very healthy. For some reason, the baracuda were out. We saw two schools of smaller ones and at least 10 big jokers. Very nice dive however the southerly wind was making the seas a little rough. 2nd dive was to Sabalos. 43 feet for 42 minutes. Saw a Ray and a bunch of turtles. Very good visibility...a great day of diving.

Day 5

I was the only diver going out in the morning and again dove with Mitch. We dove the Mama Vina which is an 80 foot wreck that was sunk to help the reef system. The boat rests on a sandy bottom at 90 feet. There is mild current around a coupl of portions of the boat so you need decend when you feel these. Overall, the wreck is in good shape. Their is one main cabin on the back that's about 10 feet by 12 feet that you can enter. Now, I have never been spooked my baracuda but today was the exception. There was a 6 foot baracuda hanging in there and he wouldn't move. Needless to say, I didn't want to bother him so I didn't go in. Saw some things that looked like catepillars on the dive. Mitch said don't touch them or they will sting. I'm not sure what they are called. In Arkansas, we call them critters. 2nd dive was Baracuda Reef. 44 feet for 58 minutes. Shallow reef dive lots of cool fish. Actually saw a porcupine fish on this dive. Ugly little rascal. Irony is this reef is named for baracuda but I didn't see any...that's good news.

The next two days just hung out with the family and visited Playa for souvenier hunting. We had a great time and will visit again.

Now, to recap:

Dressel Divers - BAD
Abyss Divers - GREAT
Ceynotes - You feel like you're on a different planet
Ocean diving - Different than Cozumel but still a lot of fun.

Thanks for reading.
Nice report. I'm heading to Akumal in December for my 4th year in a row to cave dive. Sounds like you really enjoyed your cavern dives....might you be bit by "the bug"?
Nice report.

I'm going to the area in August, staying at Paradisus. I think it's about halfway between Cancun and Playa. I'm hoping to do my diving with Abyss out of Playa, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Nice report i was in cancun 2 months ago but really wanted to go to p.d.c but due to most charter flights ending around the time i went,had to "settle" for cancun.It was still nice diving but the boat sure likes to rock'n roll.The more info i can gather the better as i still plan to go there someday.
I went to Cozumel last year for the first time. First did "Hidden Worlds" and then dove Cosumel. Sorry to say, but the caverns was the best for me..........loved it.
Thanks for the great trip report...headed to PDC in less than 30 days now--can hardly wait!
Thanks for the great post! We're headed for PDC in July and are staying at the Iberostar Lindo. We've made several trips to PDC and Coz and have always loved it.

We'll be doing our first cenote dives this time. Reading your post got us even more excited about it. Thanks for the Abyss info - yes, been there done that with Dressel more than once at SEVERAL Iberostars. I think your experience sounds pretty status quo for them. Not much different even in the Dominican Republic (dropped or changed dive sites).

Next time you are in Cozumel, try Anita Divers. VERY top notch operation. It's a two tank (mini excersion really) from about 9:00 until about 2:00 with a great lunch on a beautiful beach with snorkeling in between the dives. Rudolpho and his crew can't be beat and they REALLY cater to your diving level -everything from newbies to wall dives to night dives. They have a website too - something like or something similar. We use them on every trip to Coz. Their double decker boat is also so much nicer than those "slam-em-in-slam-em-out" operations.

I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation. Once you get the bug, it's hard not to go back as often as possible.

P.S. I've had to get some of those dive credits from Dressel due to a hurricane one year. They did honor them without a problem at a different Dressel Dive Center in another country - but it was still Dressel.
Just returned on 6/4 from 8 days in Playa Del Carmen. The last two years, we've gone to Cozumel, so I wasn't expecting much (compared with Coz). To my suprise, however, I really enjoyed the diving there..
I was there in February and stayed at a timeshare north of PDC. It was a 170 peso cab ride into Playa, which got extremely expensive by the end of the trip. On the last day we discovered the bus, which was 10 pesos each.

I only got 2 days of diving in on that trip, and the first was on Coz with Aqua Safari. The 2nd was out of PDC with Phantom Divers. Not terribly impressed with Phantom... a little too layed back for my tastes, and they made me surface with the airhogs (unlike Aqua Safari). The dive boat was very small, and it was difficult getting back in. Anyway, we dove Tortugas and Baracudas that day... both great dives. Baracudas was a little more work... we had to swim hard in the middle to jump to a different reef. There was a swimthrough though, which was fun. We counted 11 turtles on the Tortugas dive. Vis on these dives were only about 75 feet (contrasted with the imense visibility on Columbia Deep in Cozumel).

We did the Xel Ha thing as well. I was pleasantly surprised. We got the All Inclusive ticket, which made it fun. We got the tickets for "free" for sitting through a TimeShare speel :eyebrow:. We spent all day there, and were quite waterlogged by the end of the day.

Didn't do any cenote diving.

We're going back in October (gotta go visit our new timeshare :11: . I plan on getting a couple of Cozumel dives in, but will probably spend much more time around PDC. The Mama Vina sounds like a fun dive.
Now, to recap:

Dressel Divers - BAD
Abyss Divers - GREAT
Ceynotes - You feel like you're on a different planet
Ocean diving - Different than Cozumel but still a lot of fun.

Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reporting.

Diego is the MAN!

Actually he and Mitch are buddies of mine, I had the privilege of teaching Diego's IDC, but then his big evil boss Paul forced him to cross over to the SSI dark side.

For those interested, they have just opened a branch in Tulum for anyone wanting to dive further south.
I love PDC been there several times. Can't say enough about Dive Mike, they always take care of my gear while I'm there and do a great job of cleaning it. Mike usally leads the cenotes, been to Choc Mal and a couple times to Dos Ojos. Thought the Helaclines in Choc Mal were too cool. A great two tank dive in Playa is Moc-Che Deep followed by Chun-Zumbul the latter being a great photo dive.

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