Many thanks for your comments.
Pics are all taken in Thai/Myanmar waters on DSAC trips (excepting the frogfish) with oly4040/pt10/ds125/dx90 and Nikonf80/nx80/ds125/duo90 variously.
4040 shots - anemone fish on red an' , blue nudibranch, anemone fish, frog fish and shoal of goat fish.
All the shots on the 4040 are taken during the day using high fstops (f8 and up) in full manual with a DS125 mounted directly above the lens and and Sea & Sea DX 90 mounted high to the right for fill in.
f80 shots - porcelain crab, cuttlefish, hawkfish, janns pipefish, silvertip, xeno crab, moray with hinge beak shrimp.
All the shots (taken in the day also) on the F80 (with the exception of the silvertip which used provia and program mode) used manual with TTL, DS125 and Sea and Sea duo 90 set in "classic" macro position, Velvia film and were scanned as 5MB Tiffs at my local store and then reduced in Pshop. Apertures were in the f11 to f16 range.