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Reaction score
Northern California
# of dives
200 - 499
I dive a Scubapro Knighthawk, and those who've seen or used them know the pockets are tiny (I'm purposely excluding the fold down pocket, I try not to use it to keep my gear streamlined). I dive with an LED mini Q40 in one.

I have to date dived with a small safety sausage in the other (44" x 4"). Realizing how small such a sausage is amid the vastness of the ocean, I have now ordered a Carter SMB, which I'll bungie to my (plastic) backplate. Thus, I have one pocket free.

What is the next most useful item to have in the recently vacated BC pocket? I have a dive alert, and a small knife on my waistband webbing. Remember, the pocket is pretty small! I thought perhaps a small strobe?
I personally wouldn't get a strobe, you have one in the other pocket already by either flashing the LED or moving it from side to side over your target...
Do you have a compass? If you don't wear a compass normally, you could tuck a compass or compass/slate combo in there for fallback/infrequent use.
what about a small spool for the smb, or like he said a compass. if you already have one then you could leave it open for something you find that won't punture anything.
...I have now ordered a Carter SMB, which I'll bungie to my (plastic) backplate. Thus, I have one pocket free.

Which Carter SMB did you order? I am thinking of adding then to our store, but haven't had any 1st hand experience with the product, other than a lift bag.

Would you mind giving us an update when you get yours? Maybe post a photo of it rolled & inflated? I like the fact that they have a flap and an oral inflate.

Back to your question, I would keep some wetnote in the pocket, it they'll fit.

I usually bungie a compass to my wrist.
I don't know if a reel will fit, perhaps a spool?
Would a strobe be brighter than a 1 watt LED flashing back and forth?

Regarding double80s question about the SMB, I'll be happy to post once I get it. Just got a notice on the door, with luck UPS will have it at will-call. I've had very mixed luck with San Francisco UPS service though. Meanwhile, you may find sufficient info in this recent thread:


Other ideas:
Was there any incident you actually felt you needed something while diving and you hoped you wished you actually have the piece of gear with you?

If the answer is no, you probably don't need anything else. What I am trying to say is that if you won't probably need it, don't take it down with you.
A set of emt shears. I know you said you have a knife but a second cutting device is always a good option.
I see a StarFlash mirror in your future.
No, no incident prompted this, though I did have a relatively long wait for pickup one dark night, and started thinking about how much longer it would have been had I not been able to see the light of the dinghy cruising around picking up fellow divers. That, and my reading of some posts about drift divers who missed their pick-ups, made me think that I should think about what useful items may be missing from my kit. The small pockets restrict me to small items overall, and even when full they don't add much drag or weight. Hence, my earlier ideas. In addition, I've thought of:

Small flare, e.g. SkyBlazer. Pro: small, submersible. Con: Hard to travel with, may not be reliable after diving.

Dye pack: Pro: increases visual signature for overflying C-130's. Con: dispersion may be rapid depending on sea state. (Anyone with experience with the OMS dye?)

Capybara is probably right, a small signal mirror may be the ticket.

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