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Oh man, Spongebob all the way. I remember when I saw the first episode ... hooked! :)

Bugs Bunny or Scooby Doo?
Laundry - I like the smell of fresh downy, but i'm a terrible folder. :)

Chores: Cut grass or rake the lawn?
Blower (backpack!)

Chores: After sweeping up a pile of dirt, use a dust pan, or vacuum the pile?
It depends on if the vacuum is already out. If it is, then I use it. If not, then I use a dustpan.

When do you put up the Christmas decorations?
At the end of November; usually after Thanksgiving.

What's your favorite color for Christmas lights?
Not - that's too articifial for me. I like putting things on it that are from my childhood, to keep it more personal.

Tree: Icicles and tensil, or decorations with snowy highlights?

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