Pick 1 and Post 2

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Now that is a VERY hard choice. Bridge Over Troubled Water and 59th Street Bridge v. Blossom and Fire and Rain. I guess, if I had to pick, I'd choose Simon and Garfunkel.

I can never choose. Love them both.

Mozart or Bach
Mozart. I enjoy Bach, but Mozat was a genius and I love his pieces.

Do you like my new avatar or my old one better?
Better but I have the urge to spank him since he's my son!!! That sounds sooooo wrong!!!

Got any other avatars?
Neither? You don't like your own son? You are even colder than I thought (and don't tell me liking your son is for sissies!)

Well, given the fact that LetterBoy will kick my ass (assuming he can find it) if I insult or hurt you, I'd have to say Betty (but I would have said that anyway).

Fred or Barney?
Barney - I'm a loyal gal

peanut butter or chocolate

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