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kit kat but only after I eat all the mounds.

republican or democrat
There you go with those old, tired labels!!! I am a post-partisan-patriot. Actually, a Republican-leaning Independent. Certainly fiscally conservative, and conservative leaning on some, but not all, social issues (turns out the labels actually still work).

Politically active or leave that to the politicians?
Ultra conservative registered repub but vote independent - just happens most dems make me roll my eyes thus the repubs get my votes - semi-active in politics.

sweater or t-shirt
Depends on where I am or am going, but like T-shirts.

Consider runnig for office some day or no way?
ALWAYS vote! Sometimes vote a write-in (and have written in friends and family when I did not like any candidate).

Joe Biden yes or Joe Biden no?
Joe biden sucks . . how the heck did he get the VP slot! Geez

Immigration policy or healthcare - which do you think has the bigger impact the next 5 years
They are actually related as we will have to provide health care for illegals. Immigration will be huge because of the impact illegals have on our country, both in terms of the number of people and the polical divisiveness the issue causes. Health care is huge because of the effect on the economy and the level of care for those presently with and those presently without health care, and under some versions of universal health care wandering around, represents a huge change in philosophy of government in this country.

Oklahoma or Nebraska?

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