Photoshop 7 or Photoshop 8 CS?

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I'm getting ready to buy Photoshop, and was wondering if 8 CS has all the same capabilities that 7 has. I can get 8 CS for close to the same price, so I may as well get the newest if there's no drawbacks. I'm an amatuer, but have played with many dig photo programs, but Adobe seems to have superior tools. Thanks.
Thanks! The available software seems way behind on the idea of batch processing, considering you can take hundreds of photos in a digicam.
I'm getting ready to buy Photoshop, and was wondering if 8 CS has all the same capabilities that 7 has. I can get 8 CS for close to the same price, so I may as well get the newest if there's no drawbacks. I'm an amatuer, but have played with many dig photo programs, but Adobe seems to have superior tools. Thanks.

couple of questions to help you decide
1. are you running XP if not stay with PS7

2. do you have a camera or shoot in raw a majority of the time, stay with PS7

if you do both go with CS, as for the batch utility it hasnt change very much since ver 5. im mean geez i know professional photogs and advertising companies are still using version 6.


Photoshop 7 does not support the RAW files created by digital cameras UNLESS a third party ( $100) plugin is installed.

Photoshop CS does suppert many digital RAW formats. The CS RAW converter is quite good and converts the RAW files much faster than my OEM Fuji converter.

If you are starting from scratch AND are running Windows XP Get CS!

Chris Bangs
chris i explained that with the raw convertor and i dont/didnt buy the one adobe has as it wasnt needed for me, but if i get to be using a whole lot of RAW i will get CS, but that will only be after billy gates kills 2k because i wont use XP at all because it isnt better then 2K. CS convertor is ok there are better ones on the market but they are much more expensive, as for Fuji there convertor is just plain junk as it really doesnt have any real functionality

If you are using an Olympus Camera, the RAW converter plug-in for PS7 is on their web site for free.

I like 7 better, maybe because I've been using it for years, have a couple of the other modules and hate to buy something new.
The Fuji converter that is shipped with the S2 Pro camera is almost useless, but the "optional" EX converter is quite nice and provides a lot of control over the conversion process. The only real advantage to CS is being able to open the RAW files directly into photoshop. I do like the new "photo filter" addition the the image/ adjustments menu for my non underwater work.

For my underwater work I only shoot in RAW mode as the camera software does little justice for shots that include a blue water background and if the sun is in or near the outer edges of the frame the images just plain suck!.

In the controlled environment of a studio I shoot in "fine" mode (Jpeg).

I ran Win 2K for years, I agree that XP "Home" is not any better, BUT XP Pro has been a lot more stable than both 2K and XP Home on my machine.

Kindest Regards

PS CS's RAW converter is AWESOME.

Also not mentioned previously is that CS allows editing in 16 bit color mode, whereas PS7 doesn't (for the most part). This is a GREAT capability for people shooting digital.

For me, there's no question.... CS rawks, dood. If I were a Windoze use, I would upgrade to XP just for CS. But I love my Mac. :)

The File Browser in CS is far better than in 7 as well, FWIW, and there are several new color balancing and lighting management features in CS that are fantastic for UW work.

At $695 RRP for Photoshop CS, perhaps you might want to consider Paint Shop Pro 8 ($79). It is a free download from (56Mb) and is time limited to 60 days. Thereafter you register and pay for the privilege.

It has batch execution of scripts (batch processing), it has scripts which seem to work the same way as PS actions, histograms, levels, curves, manual and automatic color balance, layers, masks, channels, supports PS plugins and so on. I have started using it very recently, and I have managed to recreate the popular PS photo enhancement actions (like Mandrake) in it quite easily. Gilligan has the process on his PT10 website. I will be posting the Mandrake filters scripts (like red addition and contrast masking) on the Board soon.

Download it, try it. You may be pleasantly surprised.

And... you can use the money you save to buy another strobe :)

Just my $616 worth.



Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Jasc Software, etc, etc.

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