Photo Website to come

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West Los Angeles
Hey folks. Got my placeholder and basic layout for my uw photo website up. No photos yet, but the look and feel of the interface is there. Next step is a basic slideshow of images and some short video clips to display while I flesh out the rest of the site.

Comments and critique are invited and welcomed.

You need a Flash Player installed . . .

Dive Images Website
The foyer to your sit is impressive and took some hard work and creative talent. I look forward to the content. Keep us posted.

"Big Cattle"

just kidding........can't wait for photos...........beautifully done intro and site design

I'm no web designer and don't know the lingo but I like the opening flash. It's interesting, nice color and best of music!

The seperate areas you have planned sound great. I have one major suggestion for the photos. Have an arrow/link to the next full size photo. It's a pain to keep hitting the back button and go to the next thumbnail. Also, size them so you don't have to scroll the screen to see it all. Those two things make me leave a site quicker than anything.

I can't wait to see what you do with it!
Thanks for the kind words people - and kdietz . . . you're right , lot's of show and not much go at the moment, and given my tendency of (and proficeiency at) procrastination it may be that way for a while. :D

But at least I got something up and have told people, so now I get a sense of urgency to proceeding I didn't have before, which was actually part of the reason I posted. Now I will feel like I have to continue rather than leave it on my hard drive! :)

And Dee, thanks for the suggestions . . . I couldn't agree more because those are a couple of my pet peeves too. And I have abused people with music and too many sounds on other sights, and this seemed the most appropriate to keep sound to a minimum.:wink:
Really nice looking site...normally I dislike sites that use too much flash, but I thought that was a nice balance of impressive visuals and time to load. The first time I hit the site, the loading page took a little while (and I have a 1mb connection), but I think is was fine. Perhaps worth putting a skip intro link on there ??

The site also looks like it has been designed for this deliberate ? Seems a shame when showing photos not to allow people to see that at a good resolution. IE is much better these days at sizing images for different screen sizes. Would second Dee's view about navigation between images....I also really like the mouse-over floating box with information about where and with what settings the photo was taken. This might be a little much though.

Don't want to sound in any way critical, as I am very very impressed with the site and extremely jealous of your web design skills (having written a few commercial sites myself). Hope that these comments are in some way useful and really look forward to the site going live :)

Thanks Simon. It doesn't sound critical at all, just helpful and I appreciate it. :)

I do size my sites on the small side out of old habits to accomodate smaller screen sizes. But you are right, maybe it is worth making it bigger since it will be a photo site.

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