What's the protocol for learning how to use a FFM? Not that there is a PADI course, but I would assume that part of being prepared would be drills swapping to an alternate without a mask. Should you also be carrying a spare mask so that you can restore proper vision?
A buddy of mine who was an instructor in both SDI and PADI developed a FFM course. Taught it as a distinctive specialty. Was trying to get it as a regular specialty but then his shop closed. I took the course for experience. We did two dives with FFM. There was some talk on shore time. Used different masks on the two dives since he had two. There were drills on swapping to an alternate without a mask during each dive. I frequently dive in a solo configuration even if not diving solo so I had a spare mask with me. Cannot remember if that was part of the course or not.
I was impressed with how much clearer and wider was the vision with the mask. But I did not like the heavier feeling of the mask on my face. Not a big thing but took away a bit of the in the now feeling.
I have instabuddied a couple of times with divers with FFM. I have noticed that they sometimes go through their air a bit faster due to some side leakage. But that may have just been that they were not fitted as well as they should be.
I will note that we have no idea how much the diver in question practiced or drilled anything. May have. May not have. What I see is that among the great wet masses very few practice anything. Just an observation. I admit that I do most of my practicing during quarry dives and never practice on ocean dives. That is for sight seeing.