Suggestion Personal Notes about Friends

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Florida Reef Cat
ScubaBoard Supporter
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Florida's Space Coast
# of dives
100 - 199
Correct me if there's already some way to do this that I just haven't found, but I think it would be extremely useful to have a personal notes field associated with people on our ScubaBoard friends list.

I know different people use that list for different reasons, but typically I don't put anyone there unless I have actually met the user on a dive trip, and I would like to keep free-form notes about them. For example, from my friends list, for a particular friend I could somehow access a personal notes tab where I could enter things like:

Real name: Johnny Diver
Notes: Met him while diving Jupiter in May '09. He helped my dive buddy adjust gear. Likes dark beers. Usually dives the Keys.
Cell: 555-1212 - He said call next time we're diving down there.

...things like that. For those of us who meet a lot of other ScubaBoarders on our dives, this could be really helpful.

>*< Fritz
Users with permission to read / write usernotes are now able to go to a profile of a member and leave usernotes about this person. This feature is intended to allow staff members to discuss members and keep the information organized rather then having a variety of threads in a staff forum.
vBulletin Manual

It's not possible to keep personal notes for each user.

It's currently only enabled for SB Staff members.
Ummm Howard, I get:

Walter, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
It looks like, even if enabled for everyone, the existing usernotes function isn't quite what I think would be useful for this purpose. But close! Basically I'm talking about usernotes specific for every user, tied to the userID of other vBulletin users.

Whereas right now it seems like the usernotes are tied to a user, but are not specific to the user (i.e. globally available, although depending on permissions someone might or might not have access). Thus, I take it when you admins pull up usernotes on someone, you all see the same text, correct?

Sounds like this is a limitation of the current version of vBulletin.
Whereas right now it seems like the usernotes are tied to a user, but are not specific to the user (i.e. globally available, although depending on permissions someone might or might not have access). Thus, I take it when you admins pull up usernotes on someone, you all see the same text, correct?

Sounds like this is a limitation of the current version of vBulletin.
I'm not sure it's a limitation as it's meant for staff use.

But it's no good for what you want to use it for.
Yikes... I don't want anyone keeping notes on me! Sounds too much like the files the FBI and CIA kept when I was in the anti-war movement in the 60s. Just teasing... about keeping notes at least.

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