I don’t like people touching my gear. One dive operator last year insisted and insisted that I let them switch the tank during the surface interval, it was so me if the fancier DCs. Like an idiot I said ok and it was so poorly set up that the first stage was hitting my head the entire dive.It is fairly customary for DMs or the deck person to turn the valve to ensure it is on at many dive resorts. They will often do it without your knowing. It is sort of like this, another diver no, that would bug me, but a DM or other hand who has turned probably a million valves, I do not frett it. I always take a few breaths looking at the spg just before I drop in.
I try to go with the flow unless it appears dangerous. Like taking my fins off in the water. But, just to say, some boats do not like divers gearing up and walking in fins unassisted because if you fall you can hurt yourself, another customer or the crew.
Concierge service, frankly, I am starting to enjoy it. Years of fussing over my gear, do not scratch that, do not touch this do not drop my whatever, blah, blah. Get over it (talking to myself). The only thing I carry on about now is me (getting scratched or hurt or my wife) and my da--- camera system I am still fussy over. I usually carry my own regulators but even there I have sort of given in.
Another DM that I dive with frequently told me that he still does the quarter turn back. He acknowledged that yes valves are much better today but for X reason (I can’t remember what it was) he still does it. Convinced me even more to not let people touch my stuff.
Going back to the buddy check, the only thing that I can’t do for myself is a bubble check.