simbrooks:1. They may/may not have had cavern training (but certainly not cave according to the report), so most likely going beyond their training
Peacock III is beyond their training anyway; It's a syphon.
3. May not have been following the line all that well, although there is a line in P3 (or at least i have seen one), however i havent dove that part yet, if anything like the lines out of P1 they are marked at least every 100ft with arrows pointing out.
If you've been in PIII, you know how nasty it is. It definately isn't forgiving like the P1 cavern area.
Peacock Springs SP is set up to only allow certified divers to dive (the rangers are pretty quick on checking cards), so something is amiss here about them being in the water unless they were diving beyond their cavern cert (assuming they had one).
Well, the system isn't foolproof if you want to get around it. If they don't see you, I don't see how the rangers could know exactly how many people were in the vehicle. 3 divers, one cave trained, could probably get away with making it look like there was only one diver in the car, and thus one card on the dashboard...
...but if that's the case, we know have a poster version of why the rules are there in the first place.