PDC trip report 2-19/2-26

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Rig Magician

Reaction score
Pineville, La
# of dives
50 - 99
Well i was going to type up a big nice trip report when i got home but i had to return to work a week early, 2 days after returning home from our trip.
Let me say that i had a great trip and that Tank-Ha is a great dive center. Since this was my first dive vaction i really don't have anything to compare it to, but i would still recommend them to anyone. the dive leaders were first class and were really good at pointing out things to everyone. this was also my first time to go out with a camera and i got plenty of pictures and learned alot with that also. as my boyancy control got better i started getting in closer and taking more macro shots. i managed to take well over 300 pictures under water and have several that came out really good. i uploaded several into my picture album. I have not figured out how to resize my pictures yet and was loading up the full size pictures which took a while.
We did our first day of diving in PDC and dove the MAMA VINA a ship wreak and I think Sabados(SP?) for the second dive. the second day we went to Cozamel the first reef was horseshoe and the second was Tormentos. These were by far the Best reef dives of the trip. we saw a 6' nerse shark i got a couple of good pictures of that one. And took well over 100 Pic's that day. Digital sure is nice. The third day we dove PDC again and went to Tortugas, i got several good picturs of some turtles that day, and i saw about 12-13 turtles. we then went to Barracuda reef for our second dive. Our last 2 days we opted for Cenote dive which was a great experiance. not to mention our gear was good and cleaned out for our trip home. we avaraged 40 mins for these and had one dive that lasted 56 Mins. we went to Chocmul the first day and Dos Ojos the second day.
All in all it was a great trip and we will probley go back again next year. definetly give them a shot if you are heading that way.

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