It's after Christmas and the dregs of 2021 left. Thought I'd give the Paralenz a service because the ring was extremely stiff.
Pulled it apart; O-rings off, slight prising of the ring to free it and it came off OK, remove the magnet ring (under the selector ring), remove the top switch... Clean everything (except O-rings) with some WD40, thorough wipe down. All fine.
Liberal application of the grease that comes in the maintenance kit. Re-assemble.
The selector ring's off by one segment
Remove, fiddle, replace. Same again... It's definitely aligned with the outer blue ring. Suspect the damn magnet ring's broken as they look a bit corroded.
Have used the spare one from the maintenance kit already. Would like to just get a spare magnet selector ring as I don't need the rest of the kit. Obviously cannot find it online...
So looks like I've got to pay ~$130 just for the magnet ring, plus a superfluous load of other unneeded spares. Also appears that all the UK dive shops are out of stock... Oh joy.
Am now seriously considering getting a "proper" deep GoPro housing and a GoPro 10. At least there's a usable screen on a GoPro, although they're much larger than a Paralenz which pretty easily clips to a primary torch.