Well what can I say? A dreary morning turned into a wonderful day. Chuck came over and we went to marine park and got set up with gear and we spent the morning shore diving. He helped gain my confidence back. Super nice guy and like you all, so helpful. How lucky am I today? The Sudafed helped too. I had no problem clearing right off the bat. Everything clicked today. Thanks again Chuck!
Heck, you probably made Chuck's day too as he had a good excuse to get wet.
I think initial diving anxiety is kind of like the anxiety a kid feels who just got his driver's license and then gets freaked out when he has to drive through his first major downtown city. As time goes by and one gains more experience things that freaked you out in the beginning no longer do as you've been there and done that over and over and over again. I personally dive far more conservatively today than I did when I was first certified. Age plays a role in that as well as the knowledge that the trip to the surface from 50' takes 1/2 the time as the trip from 100' which I never much thought about 15 years ago. Depth is also something that can play with your head. I mean, if you've been on a football field and see what 20 yards (60') is up close it really isn't far at all but when you're under water and think about that same 60' being above you to the surface it seems like a lot further than that.
I also think as you progress you'll end up purchasing your own gear and that will mean you probably have your main reg with your backup reg integrated into your BC inflation so your back-up is always right there and when under water you practice over and over and over again taking out your main reg and switching to your backup until it is 2nd nature and then you are totally confident that if your main reg is yanked out or fails you automatically swap to your back up without thinking about it before you have a chance to panic and think about the SURFACE. Doing that is far easier and faster than starting the big sweep with your right arm searching for a free-floating reg that you can't see, in my opinion. The few things that can really rattle a diver (other than an out of air situation) is the loss of a reg and the loss or immediate flooding of a mask. Unfortunately you experienced the reg loss twice now at the very beginning of your diving and that rattled you. I personally make it a point that whenever I find myself in close proximity to another diver's fins or another diver crowds me I instinctively take my hand to my face and hold my mask and reg in place and shield them from thrashing fins and arms and such while I fin away and get back into my own free under water space.
A mask loss or fast flood due to a dislodging of a mask can freak a person out when that water hits your face but remember you used to swim as a kid in the pool and ocean without a mask on and would open your eyes under water all the time. A wet face is nothing as long as you have a reg in your mouth and air to breathe but when you lose it 50' under water one forgets that. So practice that as well in shallow water. Take your mask off and put it on numerous times under water so you become used to the feeling of water hitting your face and opening your eyes under water and continuing to breathe through your reg (without taking water up your nose). Practice practice practice repeat repeat repeat.
Many people here have posted that diving is a tremendously risky sport. That is false. Based on the number of dives performed world wide and the number of injuries or deaths each year diving is a VERY SAFE SPORT and the SCUBA equipment if maintained properly (and often even if it isn't maintained properly) is highly reliable to the point that worrying about an equipment failure makes as much sense as worrying about a tire on your car blowing out on the highway at 75MPH. No one worries about that do they? Most dive accidents that hit experienced divers are the result of a diver doing something they shouldn't be doing and were trained not to do but they do it anyway because they've done it 200 times before without an incident and then their luck runs out. They push it too far, too long, too deep, break the rules, etc. Just my opinion though.
Glad to hear you had a great day diving. Lots more to come. Take your time & be comfortable. There's no hurry and there's no such thing as being too conservative.