Note about Scuba Goop from another thread -
"Has anyone else purchased "Scuba Goop" from It is marketed as a unique product for marking your scuba gear, and it works well for that purpose. BUT ... if you look closely, you will see there is another label underneath the "Scuba Goop" label. Soak and rub a little, and you will see the original label: "Scribbles 3D Paint." Sounds like a craft store product, right? I went to Jo Ann Fabrics and asked if they had something called Scribbles 3D Paint. They had a whole rack of it. The exact same product. The difference? "Scuba Goop" costs $5.95. "Scribbles 3D Paint" costs $1.19.
Live and learn. Put "Scuba" on anything [COLOR=#009900 !important]and watch[/COLOR] the price multiply.