beside all the other posts, that nail it pretty much.
let me start with a list of materials required by padi standards for the idc. that doesnt mean i agree with it completely, but thats the list out of the manual. i put some remarks on each item in brackets.
What materials are needed? (some minor additions are not updated here)
* PADI Instructor Manual (well, obviously)
* Instructor Candidate Workbook (makes sense)
* Open Water Lesson Planning Slate (a blank slate would do just as well - the outline is in various manuals)
* Confined Water Lesson Preparation Slate (a blank slate would do just as well - the outline is in various manuals)
* Open Water Aquatic Cue Cards (ok, you will need them - or you plan just to teach aow and up, they come in pretty handy)
* Confined Water Aquatic Cue Cards (ok, you will need them - or you plan just to teach aow and up, they come in pretty handy)
* The Law and the Diving Professional (completely us-law based and therefore for many countries semi useless)
* The Business of Diving (you will use that once or twice during your idc - on the other hand it is pretty much nonsense - youre just doing your idc at this point! as for serious biz advice better works come to mind - some good examples on coursepricing and stuff, again if you plan to become an independent instr or open your own shop)
* The Best of The Undersea Journal (well i never really got the value of that - again barely touched during idc)
* Log Book (u should have that since your first cert! since min. requrements for the idc exist it is your "proof")
* Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Instructor Outline (for this and the following two outlines - you are automatically a specialty instr for the 3 after your idc, so one could argue you should know what you teach)
* Project AWARE Specialty Program Instructor Outline
* Aware Coral Reef Conservation Specialty Instructor Outline
* Open Water Diver Manual (you should have that from your owd course - gets referenced a bit)
* Recreational Dive Planner, The Wheel,table &Erdp, and Instructions for Use Booklets (beside reviews you will need them for your exams - the e-rdp makes no sense to me)
* Open Water Diver Quizzes and Exam booklet (usually at shops - but anyway - u look at 5 bucks)
* Adventures in Diving Manual (same as owd)
* Rescue Diver Manual (same as owd)
* Rescue Diver Final Exams Booklet (same as owd exams)
* Divemaster Manual (same as owd)
* Divemaster Final Exams Booklet same as owd exams)
ok , that was my starter. as you can see - you do not need all the stuff you mentioned.
now, a bit more into detail for your post:
...This shop owner explained that because of new PADI regulation (Jan 06), every IDC candidate must have a complete library of PADI books and materials that will cost well over $2000. Not just the ones necessary or useful for the job, but seemingly everything PADI publishes. Most of these are completely unnecessary for most instructors because they dont apply to students in a particular location, or they are already provided by shops, or they are used so infrequently that instructors can easily share them.....
the statement of this shopowner, you talked to is only partially right. padi requires now, that students have all course relevant materials. that means mainly, that they put a stop to the (often used) practice of loaning books and tables to owd to rescue students. standards for pro courses are set in instr / cd manuals. i havent seen major changes there yet (they might be coming). and sure its all about selling - but believe me, shop owners in areas where the loaner system was the "normal" are not very happy. that are mainly remote areas, where the logistics and cost of material shipping far outweight the potential profits. on the other hand, it makes sense, for the student to have tables (duh!) and as a reference also their manual after the course. beside that, in terms of idc - it is just plain false information.
...For example, PADI requires that everyone buy a book on coral reef conservation, yet there are no coral reefs within a thousand miles or so. But the 10 part-time instructors who work in this shop will nonetheless have to have ten copies of this book gathering dust. In a typical week, this shop teaches one EFR class. But now, among the ten instructors, only one of whom teaches this class, they must have ten copies of the DVD set at a cost of $1000 sitting on the shelf....
nope, youre not required to buy a "book" on coral reef conservation, but the instr. outline - for reasons mentioned in the material list.
...Among ten part-time instructors, they must buy $20,000 dollars worth of PADI materials because PADI thinks its instructors are too stupid to know what they need and when they need it. (That isnt the real reason, he says, the real reason is so that PADI can sell millions in books and shop owners can get their cut.) No longer can a new instructor build his or her library over several years, use the shops books, or share one set of DVDs among several people. This regulation does nothing to improve the operations of the shop, because the shop already has this material it needs, and if an instructor goes elsewhere to work, he can pick up a book or two then, as needed. Of course, shop owners love it, because they get a big percentage of the sales....
yeah well and between 100 it is $200.000 and so on. keep the focus on cost per person. anyway, realistically the cost for all that stuff is below $1000 per person (maybe somebody has the nerve to add up retail - i cant bother). and yes you still can increase your library over the years as needed / wanted. i would never use my own exams, videos (as i have them) or materials beside instr. manuals for the shop! after all, there must be a reason why they get the lions share of the course fee. in my eyes that includes providing classroom materials.
...The shop owner I spoke with, however, says he is not in the business of screwing IDC customers by making them buy things they will never use. For example, a resort or cruise ship that teaches only up to Adv Open Water, and never Divemaster courses will still have to have Divemaster books, and slates, and cue cards, and exams to be in the hands of each and every instructor at a cost of thousands of dollars. They must have books and other materials for specialties they dont teach, a copy for every instructor, at the expense of the already poorly paid instructors. While he recognizes this applies only to new instructors, so it will take several years for the full effect to be felt, he is concerned that in addition to the $1000 IDC fee, and $500+ to PADI for IE and annual fees, it will now cost another $2000 to take the course. Because of this, he already has some cancellations for his upcoming IDCs. Students would have to work over six months just to pay for the books they dont need ($1000 monthly income minus $700 basic living expenses equals $300 per month savingsall spent just for books and videos that the shops already haveeverthing the instructor earns above basic room and board, toothpaste, busfare and a few phone calls home)....
well it seems he is! or he is just plain uninformed - also not a good sign for a biz owner. as for dm slates - as you see in the list above, not required from you. they must have materials for courses they can teach in order to familiarize themself with it. the choice of your workplace cant be a consideration for the idc. i would like to see that. "i only teach dsd's - thats my goal..." so i dont need the materials and i rather pass on the other parts of the idc. jeez - maybe giving padi ideas here for the modular idc ROFL! with the rest i kinda agree, it takes also without your figures a while to make the invested money back. much of it depends on your choice of employer and the fact that people work for peanuts!
...Moreover, this shop owner will not be able to fill job openings because Divemasters will have to be told that before you can take an IDC and get a promotion, you have to spend over $2000 cash on videos and exams for courses you are not going to teach. If these applicants come from Europe, as most do, he has to tell them they cant go back to University at the end of the season with any savings at all, because it all goes to PADI. Not only that, but they will have to ship this pile of stuff back and forth every season. (In reply, I said, If one doesnt use them, why take them to the resort at the start of the season? His response was, If you really needed them, of course you would take them, and if you dont need them, why buy them?) He says because of this, he is going to phase out his relationship with PADI as quickly as possible, and stay as far away from them as possible. He thinks instructors should be respected and trusted to know what they need and when they need it, instead of being coerced into handing $20,OOO over to PADI (per group of 10 in the IDC) for duplicate copies of things one does not need, and duplicate copies of things one actually might use....
well as said before you dont spend that and it seems we talk more about pseudo internship programs here than about real job openings. once again - i think your shopowner tries to screw you or is plain uninformed. unfortunately very common in our industry that losers and bums operate the biz and try to blame it on others.
fortunately more and more of the materials are available in digital format, so if you lug a box of books around i cant help you - i have everything on my laptop incl videos what i conceivably ever need to teach. and my laptop comes anyway with me.
for the rest i save myself the words, you start repeating yourself.
happy bubbles
(admin <>)