I assume this is pure htperbole.
Ahh, umm, you do know me by now?
DCS, maybe. It is very easy to violate the tables with repetitive dives, which is why people like computers.
The mathematical proof, finally, of this post. (Yes, the wife ignored that asterisk thing on the Tables where it said to go sunbathing for 24hrs before looking at the tables again)
i always looked at the eRDP as the more ‘user familiar’ version of the Wheel. Noobs were happy with LED pocket calculators and hand held Tetris games. The eRDP was a method to
teach gas theory while computing the Pressure Group. PADI philosophy
always reverted to teaching above the mere doing.
These gadgets were given ‘PADI papal blessing’ for use about two years too late. By then, computers were the obvious solution, but nobody could write an inclusive training module to cover all manufacturers and their buttons. You still can’t, but now we have a compromise training process for use in the ‘generalist’ population (read: lowest common denominator). It’s fine, everything will be o.k,, just wear this fancy box that also serves as a status level statement.
The big additional quandary: We all started with the USN Square Profile card. Even PADI which usually diverted to Joey Strykowsi’s book. It was very soon (by today’s standard of change) adapted and altered to the Agency issue card. Then changes stopped cold.
How to explain real recreational profiles, Multi-Level diving? If but not for the cumbersome Wheel? If but not for the ridiculous adaptation to a familiar feeling ‘calculator’ eRDP, how could we teach gas principles for basic recreational diving.
These things, RDP, eRDP, the Wheel- they were merely tools to try to pound into their heads the science of not getting “the rapture of the deep/the Bends”. But those TV tropes have been forgotten. Deeper education is only available past the basic PADI courses, and don’t think for a moment that the other few ‘major players’ are really any different. The average entry level consumer really doesn’t shiv a git about gas theory.
to the OP, no, i don’t have the software.
The Fix-All: Buy a ‘puck’, Just put this on and watch the pixels, They’re cheap but not a status symbol. Note the doofuses at the resort or LOB eating dinner strapped” with a Perdix (lest they tip and fall into the pool)
Pixels: if it’s Green? go dive, Yellow- better think about it, Red, well, you’re screwed.