PADI, DIR, PDIC, etc etc ~ the redneck rodeo ~ Yeehaw

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Here are just a couple of things I felt I should say. I have only been a member for less than a month and I need to do this already. What a shame.

I have noticed there are a select few that do alot of bashing with their Greater Than Thow attitudes towards certain types of divers and agencies. Wow what a shame it would be if we did not have them to give us their vast knowledge of bullsh@t. What would the world do without these gurues of the deep that have nothing better to do than try and make people feel inferior. Sounds like alot of peanut envy to me.

In a couple more years there will only be PADI, and the only place you will be allowed to dive is in a quarry, what will all these select few of real divers do then?

It really bugs me that people think that quarry dives are so much different from ocean diving, the only real difference that I see is that you have a better chance of being a snack in the ocean than in a quarry. I think that it does not matter what gear you have on or who you are certified with when it comes to that sort of thing do you?

I am sure you know who I am talking about.
And yes I do not have to be on here but I like being informed of some things. That is when I get pi$$ed, I start reading a very good thread and all of a sudden there they are with their cr@p.

I would just ignore these certain people but I have hope that one day I may be able to learn something from what they may have to share. I am hopeful that this happens b4 their attidude gets them hurt or worse.

Thanks I feel better already.
? You are talking giberishy crazy talk dude. Focus, clarify...

Sorry just a little NARCed I guess :439:
I have noticed there are a select few that do alot of bashing with their Greater Than Thow attitudes towards certain types of divers and agencies. Wow what a shame it would be if we did not have them to give us their vast knowledge of bullsh@t. What would the world do without these gurues of the deep that have nothing better to do than try and make people feel inferior. Sounds like alot of peanut envy to me.
Sounds like liberal use of ScubaBoard's "ignore" feature is in order. Might reduce your stress level;)
In a couple more years there will only be PADI, and the only place you will be allowed to dive is in a quarry, what will all these select few of real divers do then?
Well, I know I'll keep diving. As there are no quarries here with water deep enough to dive in, I'll just take my chances with the sharks. Just so you know - folks who dive in fresh water are just as much "real" divers as those who dive in the ocean.
It really bugs me that people think that quarry dives are so much different from ocean diving, the only real difference that I see is that you have a better chance of being a snack in the ocean than in a quarry. I think that it does not matter what gear you have on or who you are certified with when it comes to that sort of thing do you?
Sounds like you don't do much ocean diving? There is a difference, and not just the presence or lack of sharks. At least here and in the more southern Pacific NW waters, there is an incredible amount of variety to the vast quantities of life found in the ocean. I've not had the pleasure of doing quarry dives, but lake dives just don't hold the fascination I find with the life in the ocean. If I want to dive but can't make the 2-3 hour trip to salt water, a local lake will suffice to get my "fix," though ;) Being a fresh water dive source, I imagine quarry diving is much like lake diving?
Thanks I feel better already.
That's good :D
Cards90 wrote:

"In a couple more years there will only be PADI, and the only place you will be allowed to dive is in a quarry, what will all these select few of real divers do then?"

Why is that??? Is the government going to do something with the seas of which we are uninformed ? ? ?

Man, that's a lot of water they've got to get rid of . . . . !!!!! WOW! ! ! !
Breathe in deeply, hold for a few seconds, ...... release slowly. Don't you feel better now.
The Kracken:
Cards90 wrote:

"In a couple more years there will only be PADI, and the only place you will be allowed to dive is in a quarry, what will all these select few of real divers do then?"

Why is that??? Is the government going to do something with the seas of which we are uninformed ? ? ?

Man, that's a lot of water they've got to get rid of . . . . !!!!! WOW! ! ! !

No. It's because if there's only PADI congress in conjunction with the UN, NATO and the EU will decide that it isn't safe to let divers out in the big water and they'll be restricted to diving inside the beach ropes at the local swimming hole...only when a life gard is on duty of course.
No problem, I'll give the lifeguard the latest copy of "TEEN" magazine, a Twinkie and go on about my business.
Anyone specific you are having problems with? As I have not seen this sort of behavior on this board. And since you are new to the board, maybe you have not yet learned that the ones that try to ram their methods down the throats of others are often cyber divers that get their agencies knowledge mostly from the internet, trying to conform to those ways themselves, but give themselves an ego boost by spouting off thier 'knowledge' to others. If you want the real scopp on things, go to the source and I'm sure you will get a different view on things.

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