PADI deep diver on koh tao

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And such a lovely boat it is! Funnest dive I had in 5 weeks, watching all them techies install the new mooring line. Finally all that training and gear getting a good workout, and a real job to do! Viz of about 1 m added that certain mystique :wink:. Came back again with better viz three weeks later, and it wasn't half as interesting - but still a very nice dive! Well worth having to swim back to the Shark Island mooring.
Done it...
Still haven't PENETRATED it, though. One more reason to come back!
Hey, having lived on the island for 6 months i think KT is defo great for you to do those courses. Be warned though - you will plan to stay one week but if your budget allows youll end up staying a lot longer of eventually going back ther! Divers appreciate the afterdiving lifestyle on the island. Make sure you like chilling meeting ppl and having a good time on the dive boat!! I would recommend Bans for any courses. They have good TECREC instructors for the deep courses
And such a lovely boat it is! Funnest dive I had in 5 weeks, watching all them techies install the new mooring line. Finally all that training and gear getting a good workout, and a real job to do! Viz of about 1 m added that certain mystique :wink:. Came back again with better viz three weeks later, and it wasn't half as interesting - but still a very nice dive! Well worth having to swim back to the Shark Island mooring.
Done it...
Still haven't PENETRATED it, though. One more reason to come back!

And I thought I am the only one who love bad viz on wracks :D.
Hell no you're not the only one! I like that little 'uuuuh - peasoup....' shudder! Other people read Stephen King for kicks or watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre... Me, I prefer that freaky litte frisson I get in murky conditions. :dork2: I know.. Plus it's so challenging to try to piece together the layout/shape of the boat from these 4 foot long glimpses, like putting together a puzzle in your head. The Trident is nice because it is so fresh. Seems like it was sunk yesterday.

And going down that brand new, still-clean mooring line was like sliding down a zip line -form a ring around it with your hand and VROOOOM, woosh down right to onto the target! Neat! (ok it does help with the speed if you're always wearing about 3 spare kilos to give away..).
Didn't get to see the Trident due to conditions and suitability - but had a good time on the course with Wilco at Master Divers, it's improved my diving and I feel a lot more confident and competent about 20-30m dives now and understand the implications of going deeper better, so feel better equipped to make the decision whether or not to dive below 30m. Had a lot of fun chatting to Wilco about his tech diving too, something to aspire to! I'd definitely recommend the course. If anything it's made me a bit more conservative about depth - I found myself consistently diving shallower than others in my group on the liveaboard this week - found myself questioning 'why are we diving at 28m when there's more to see at 18m (and more time and more air!!!)'.

Also def recommend Master Divers as an excellent operation, friendly, relaxed but thorough and professional. Will be diving with them again methinks.
Thanks for that feedback! Glad you had such a good experience on KT. You said " understand the implications of going deeper better', and I think this is what the deep dive course is all about, that's the take-home message! It's not a sneak preview for becoming a tech diver, and there are little 'skills' involved. Although breathing from a surface support station can be a touch challenging when there are a lot of waves or surge. Did you get to practice that?
Thanks for that feedback! Glad you had such a good experience on KT. You said " understand the implications of going deeper better', and I think this is what the deep dive course is all about, that's the take-home message! It's not a sneak preview for becoming a tech diver, and there are little 'skills' involved.


I strongly believe that a well-taught Deep course should leave the student with a profound respect for deep diving. (same views on the wreck course too). In contrast, the worst taught Deep courses encourage the student to feel 'certified to 40m' with the illusion of safety.

Sounds like MD did a fine job and taught the course responsibly! :D

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