I'm sitting here in my office watching the minutes tick by so slowly that it seems like 5 o'clock will NEVER get here. My gear is packed, batteries refreshed in my dive lights and in my new UW camera rig. My BC and regs have been serviced and I have a brand new bottle of sunscreen ready to be pressed into service. The plane to Bonaire leaves at 9:41 in the morning and I am not going to get a damned thing done here today because I have a really bad case of island fever...
Can I get an "Amen, brother?"
This will be my first time to Bonaire, and I have read everything I can get my hands on. I have reviewed the local restaraunts and watched too mandive videos posted on YouTube and Vimeo.
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
"A-M-E-N !!!!!!" See ya at the airport