P-Valve warning....

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Uncle Pug

Swims with Orca
ScubaBoard Supporter
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Pacific N.W. USA
Now I am an advocate of P-valves... and I will load up on water just to get my money's worth on a dive...

But I need to stress an important point to those I have talked into getting a P-valve...

Let me make the point by giving an abreviated dive report:

Yesterday Shane and I did a dive with one of our GUE instructors on deadman wall... modest swim out then dropped to....

20 fsw... :eek:

Ooops... swim out was too modest.... took another 4 minutes to reach the top of the wall at 70 fsw.... whew.... and then on down to 160 fsw or so... where we putzed around for a while... and at 20 minutes or so spotted this cute little octopus that actually came out from under his rock to greet us... very cool...
"Don't pee..... don't pee..... don't pee....."

You see...

During the whole dive I had to keep telling myself:
"Don't pee..... don't pee..... don't pee...."
Because I hadn't bothered to hook up before the dive.

Deco stops were intesting.... as this is normally my *special time*...
"Don't pee..... don't pee..... don't pee....."

The point... if you are going to use a P-valve at all use it on every dive.
I think there's a quote from Shakespeare floating around here somewhere...

To pee? Or not to pee? That is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the suit to suffer
The stains and discomfit of outraged bladders
Or to let loose with a sea of troubles
And by relieving end them? To go, to drain
No more.

We have a Learned Gentleman among us!

Shakespear, who woulda' thunk?!?


Scuba-sass :)
I just put a p-valve into my suit the other day and gave it a spin during the week. But you know, I am not sure which was more painful, putting the hole in the suit or taking the catheter off after having not paid close enough attention when putting it on.

Even with that, Wednesday evening at about 1 hour into having my suit on and in the water may have been the happiest moment of my diving career.


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