Tassi Devil Diver
"On balance, I favour the argument that oxygen is less narcotic at the pressures we can safely breathe because there is a substantial gap between inspired and tissue PO2 due to metabolism in the tissues that matter for a narcotic effect. In contrast, the gap between inspired and tissue tensions of nitrogen in the brain is almost zero because the brain is a very fast tissue. Having said that the functional difference in narcotic effect is probably quite small. If we really want to avoid narcosis, then breathing helium is the key.”
Simon M's quota above from earlier in this thread and from other threads on the topic is enough to tell me I don't need to worry about the narcotic effect of oxygen in my gas planning.
Simon M's quota above from earlier in this thread and from other threads on the topic is enough to tell me I don't need to worry about the narcotic effect of oxygen in my gas planning.