Andy, what are in the standards and instruction regarding going deeper than MOD? (rescue etc.) Perhaps nothing due to liability issues.
PADI quote the 1.4 PPO2 limit for dive planning and identification of MOD. The 1.6 PPO2 limit is stated as a "maximum contingency depth".
I would interpret that they mean 'contingency' as being the maximum PPO2/MOD you should consider for emergency purposes. However, as you correctly identify, the agencies do not ever state such things catagorically for liability reasons!

When I teach nitrox courses, I try and be very clear that the 1.4 PPO2 provides a MAXIMUM operating depth. I make it clear that going beyond 1.4/1.6 steadily increases risk. As with all my courses, this will invariably lead to some frank discussions. I like to encourage open debate about the risk assessment that divers would have to do, when deciding whether to conduct a rescue or not. What factors the diver should try and consider. I try to make the debate realistic and also share my own views and experiences.
Having a 'contingency MOD' is pointless unless you have a contingency plan to go with it. The key is to consider these things in advance, and not wait until the sh1t hits the fan before you think about it.
I certainly don't use the "...or you will die!" approach to teaching nitrox courses.