I agree that it's undesirable to give students the idea that dipping slightly below their contingency ppO2 in an emergency is going to kill them instantly. But I do think people diving Nitrox should know that toxicity is very unpredictable, and that people have been known to seize at a ppO2 of 2.0 with less than ten minutes of exposure.
And through two classes and six different books, I've never seen any message of "dip below in an emergency" will instantly kill you. However, given drrich2's definition of "lumpers", I can see that kind of person taking away that "breaking your MOD can kill you". Interestingly, I ran into a PADI instructor like that . . . he was so adament, I didn't feel comfortable even discussing it.
In my admittedly uneducated mind, I couldn't perceive how one could on-gas enough O2 to break the PPO2 limit in just a few seconds to a minute. I can imagine, however, this instructor turning out many students with that absolute, mindless fear of breaking the MOD.