I'm a half a continent away from this incident so I can't say that I have any special knowledge of these poaching allegations. I don't know one way or another. Honestly, the boat captain's story of screwed up local fish and game authorities rang very true with my experiences of government agencies. I watched the story unfold on SB with the passing interest of somebody who wants to protect the ocean as much as anybody else but didn't have any legitimate say in the incident one way or another. It was not my place to have an opinion.
But then the Amazon thing came up...
As a writer with a few books on Amazon and a publisher who works with over a dozen writers that have multiple books on Amazon, this is my backyard. I have seen this before and it is an issue that authors (and Amazon) have struggled with for years. How do you authenticate real reviews from those of people with some personal problem with the writer? As artists, we put ourselves out there to be judged and most writers I know don't have a problem with negative feedback as long as there is truth in it, we need it to grow.
But when a jilted ex-girlfriend, disgruntled business partner or pissed-off mother-in-law use it as a venue to attack an individual writer with an anonymous review, there are not a lot of options. Amazon does what they can and in fact started the 'verified purchase' tag on reviews so you could tell if the person at least bought the book they're trashing. After dealing with this for quite a number of years, we've found clues to help ferret out fake reviews.
- The reviewer has only reviewed one product. (In this case, the negative review and one other for a very general product written the same exact day as the negative review.)
- No 'verified purchase' tag
- No specific details cited in the review
Usually these attack reviews are done under a fake profile. It is uncommon that a person would use their real name.
Generally, all we can do is hope that real reviews overwhelm the single griefer and try to ignore them. I think in this case MaxBT's reply and the support of his readers will prevail easily.
If I didn't have any opinions about the parties involved in this incident before, I do now.