A few things, i need help with my fins in my new dry suit its not cause i am fat, its cause i cant reach that far and i have a load on my back...so help is nice. if godzilla was chasing me i am sure i COULD do it alone..but i dont think that is the problem. You are offended by her size. I can tell you that since i took up diving almost 1 1/2 years ago, i have never seen such overweight people. In my case mostly men. I am assuming this is because it is a comfortable exercise for obese people to do with the least effort. I have had three out of four of my instructor be extremely obese. It has not had the least effect on how they taught. some were good some sucked but not because of their weight.
I agree that if one is to go into Tech diving being slimmer as opposed to gross is necessary, but to be a good OW diver, i dont see that ones size is the issue
If you did not get taught well, move on. My OW teacher and Dry suit teacher was the pitts and he was tiny and mean....so thats my two cents.
There is no problem with large people diving. I believe that if a medical doctor gives them clearance, then they are fit to dive.
The problem here is a large Instructor. Instructors get paid to teach you diving. They should therefore be able to properly demonstrate every aspect of diving... including things as simple as putting on fins. I'd like to know what Instructor Trainer and Instructor Certifier issued credentials to someone who can't do something as simple as put on their own fins.
What is the Instructor suppose to do... ask the student to help them put their fins on? On some basic level it just bothers me.
It's one thing for a diver to need help with something - we help each other all the time with everything from zipping up wetsuits to donning gear... but basic skills should be something any Instructor can demonstrate without assistance. Again, just my opinion.