Outer Islands Diving in CA.

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Reaction score
Central CA
# of dives
50 - 99
Truth Aquatics on its "Truth" boat has a trip on 3/4/2007 for a single day trip. Only one diver has signed up!!!

Their outer islands trips have been cancelled at least three times from December last year for lack of divers – I know because I signed up for those. Are there that many internet divers and no real divers?

I am not in any way related to Truth Aquatics but have been on their boats and have found them to be great compared to all the other boats I have been on - posts on this board validates this opinion.

Weird. I'll be on one of their liveaboards for April. Sure wouldn't mind a full boat--all the more friends to meet :)
This seems to have been a very poor winter economically out here. Neither company's dive boat was going out as much as they usually would during our season of best conditions, or they were going out with much lighter loads than usual. It's a shame because until last weekend, temperatures were "unusually" warm for this time of year. However they cooled down several degrees by Tuesday.

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