fleetmarine79:Good job on keeping your head! aside from what has already been mentioned in other responses,One thing I noticed in your post was you switching to your snorkel during your accent.
Thanks for the tips. I actually did keep my regulator in until I surfaced. I then took the regulator out and put the snorkle into get a few breaths. I then manually inflated my BCD.
This reminded me that during my training, my snorkle kept getting in the way. It was really aggravating. Our instructor told us that some divers decide not to even dive with a snorkle. He didn't reccomend it and in fact he insisted that we have it and get used to switching back and forth from our snorkle to our regulator without having to stick our head out of the water to get a breath. This is what I did.
One more thing, My instructor had a collapsable snorkle that he could pull out in the event he had to do a surface swim. I havent seen one at any of the online sites I been browsing. Has anyone seen one and know where I can get one?