Our next Orca Bait dive ...

When and where should our next Orca Bait dive take place?

  • Feb. 19 at Edmonds Underwater Park

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Feb. 19 at Redondo

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • March 19 at Edmonds Underwater Park

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • March 19 at Redondo

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Feb. 19 at Les Davis

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • March 19 at Les Davis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please specify in your reply)

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters

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Mental toss flycoon
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Looking at tides, we will have favorable conditions on Saturday, Feb. 19 and Saturday, Mar. 19 ... the question is, how soon (or often) would people enjoy getting together for Orca Bait dives?

I'd also like to propose a different dive site. With a sizable group we need a site with facilities, so I'm thinking either Edmonds Underwater Park or Redondo (in Federal Way).

If anyone has another suggestion, please post it along with your preference for a date.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
What about Keystone or a charter? I don't think it's too soon and I'm up for doing it all over again.
I vote for February, and I really don't care where the dive is. I'd be up for a charter (maybe Bandito to Sunrise if the tides/currents are right) or anywhere else for that matter!

If it is the shore dive I can bring the portapotty/kitchen/wetbar on wheels again and maybe park a little closer to the action.

Thanks again for the great dives - Toby
I think I would like to see eventually a charter some where cool. Let it be after I get into my dry suit in the coming months however.
If anyone has another suggestion, please post it along with your preference for a date.
How about Les Davis? Plenty of parking there, we could put up the tarp over by the picknic tables where the entry is if the weather's bad, and one could get food from the little burger joint by the bathrooms if they so desired. The other nice thing about Les Davis is that it's not tide or current depentent, so we could pick pretty much any weekend that works for folks.

So that said I propose February 19th at Les Davis. :)

Either date would be OK for me. As for location, I'm happy with where ever the majority chooses. I'd also be open to a charter boat. How's that for non-decisive!

Just let me know when and where and I'll try to make it! :)
Uncle Pug, do you see in your profile where it lists you have 9726 pictures online! You've been busy with your new camera setup! :)
How about Les Davis? Plenty of parking there, we could put up the tarp over by the picknic tables where the entry is if the weather's bad, and one could get food from the little burger joint by the bathrooms if they so desired. The other nice thing about Les Davis is that it's not tide or current depentent, so we could pick pretty much any weekend that works for folks.

So that said I propose February 19th at Les Davis. :)

Not to mention that it is minutes from your house!

Say... there is an idea... we could all just go over to your house and use the toilets, take hot showers and eat food between dives!!!

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